Thursday, April 7, 2011


A simple word. 
But it means so much.
I've been thinking about this word a lot.
What has the world come to..
When fighting is acceptable
When tearing someone down is fine
When stereotyping is a daily occurrence
When sarcasm blurs to reality.

It seems the world has become an 
angry, hurtful and harsh place.

So I am going to take a stand.
A stand to
RESPECT everyone.
Race. Sexual Preference. Religious Preference. Gender. Age. Looks.
Nothing should matter.

EVERYONE deserves Respect

Even when you get treated terribly, you need to respect your enemies. 
I struggle with this but I am making a pledge starting now to do my best to Respect everyone, because they deserve it. 


  1. word up sister friend! some people.. honestly don't respect anyone and it drives me nuts! glad someone can take a stand :)

    ♥ xoxo.

  2. You're right Julia. Respect is so important. I think one of the problems we've got going on today is that people can't respect themselves first. How can you respect others if you don't even respect yourself? I'll take your challenge too! {Samantha}
